Looking Back on 2022

Hello my sweet love. How has your heart been keeping? I hope you have found some moments for rest and reflection during this end-of-year season. If you haven’t, then hopefully the next few minutes of reading this post will help.

If you are anything like I was in the past, you may be so preoccupied with the future that coming into the present might feel unsettling. The act of pausing and looking back to acknowledge all we have done then offers a bit of relief. We start to see the accumulation of all we have accomplished in the past. A confidence is born within us, allowing us to trust ourselves and relax. There is healing in this space.

When I talk about accomplishments, though, I don’t mean only those deemed worthy by something you could capture in a photo or put on your resume. Of course those are wonderful, but what about the rest of our multidimensional selves?

I want to know what made you come alive this year. What made you really happy? Where were your areas of growth?

Were there places where you evoked changes that can only be felt and not seen? The types of changes that will ripple out for years, growing in magnitude in ways that are likely unseen now but will create the fabric of your world.

Did you carry a grief so deep yet still make it to work on most days? Or feed yourself? Or still show up as a parent, friend, lover, or community member? This is no small feat.

Where did you choose peace when the choice wasn’t actually obvious? Where did you offer kindness when no one was around?

What did you do that made yourself proud?

This is also a potent time for looking back and realigning to the new versions of ourselves we are becoming. Was there anything in 2022 that you intended to do but didn’t? Does it still make sense for the person you are blossoming into? What can be released and turned into something new?

Try to practice this with as much gentleness and love in your heart as you can. Often growing up we were taught to be disappointed in ourselves for where we “fell short.” If we take a step back, with greater awareness and compassion we can actually see where we benefited from things not working out. Or we can clearly see how to alter our direction.

There is no right or wrong here. We’re just small creatures roaming this planet. For me, it’s more about how you feel in the whole of your life. What is your experience? And is it something that you want to continue or change?

Next Tuesday, we will continue this exploration as a community. I have pulled together some really heart-felt experiences to help us move through this portal in a really tangible way. There will be meditation, energy-work, connecting to ourselves more deeply, and connecting to each other. This container feels really potent.

If you’re interested you can find more information and reserve your space below. No one will be turned away for lack of funds, just reach out to me directly to make arrangements. And if you can’t make it next week, I hope you find the rest and reflection you need that is nourishing for you at the time of year. Maybe even drop me a line and let me know your answers to the questions above if that feels good to you.

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